Tuesday, 1 October 2024


Hello Friend,
The purpose of this proposal is not monetary and I will never ask you to send money in any way but only for  humanity's motive which you're not obligated to accept.
My name is Arif Hussein Masduki and I am 67 years old. I am currently dealing with lung cancer.
According to the doctor's report, my time is short.
My son's future is causing me a lot of anxiety. He is only 17 years old
I can't picture him suffering when we leave this world. I only want to plead for him to come over to your country  and Help me accept him as a son, friend, and brother to  be his guardian. You don't have to spend any money on this as I promise to pay for whatever is going to cost to get him over there to start a new life. It came to my knowledge of the high rate of scam going round the internet and that's the reason I stated above that you will never be asked for any money but only to accept to be his guardian, i will pay for whatever is going to  cost.
If you get back to me, I will clarify to you the reason for taking this bold decision to contact you in this  manner.
Arif Hussen Masduk

Best Regards!


Re: Hello Friend

Hello Friend,
The purpose of this proposal is not monetary and I will never ask you to send money in any way but only for  humanity's motive which you're not obligated to accept.
My name is Arif Hussein Masduki and I am 67 years old. I am currently dealing with lung cancer.
According to the doctor's report, my time is short.
My son's future is causing me a lot of anxiety. He is only 17 years old
I can't picture him suffering when we leave this world. I only want to plead for him to come over to your country  and Help me accept him as a son, friend, and brother to  be his guardian. You don't have to spend any money on this as I promise to pay for whatever is going to cost to get him over there to start a new life. It came to my knowledge of the high rate of scam going round the internet and that's the reason I stated above that you will never be asked for any money but only to accept to be his guardian, i will pay for whatever is going to  cost.
If you get back to me, I will clarify to you the reason for taking this bold decision to contact you in this  manner.
Arif Hussen Masduk

Best Regards!


Friday, 13 September 2024

Re: education4gujarat.blogspot.com Errors

Hi education4gujarat.blogspot.com,
Hope you are doing great!

This is John, Business Analyst with 99webmarketing Technology(An age old Digital Marketing Agency operating over 10 years in the global market having its main office at AZ, USA. We exist for such a long only because we follow ethical business practices)

My team discovered a few issues on your website which are affecting your online presence, user experience and ranking.

Do you want me to send a detailed analysis report with screenshots?

Awaiting your earliest response.


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Friday, 24 May 2024

Re: Issue in your education4gujarat.blogspot.com,

Hi education4gujarat.blogspot.comTeam,

I am a Digital Marketing Consultant and while working on an online project I came across your website rf-connector-china.comfirst of all congrats for having such a beautiful layout of your website but while analyzing it a bit I found certain errors in it. They are the following mentioned below:

1. A couple of onsite issues on your website.

2. Your website is not completely mobile responsive.

3. The SEO of your website is not to the optimum level and that is directly affecting the traffic, rank and sales that you deserve to get from your website.

My team can fix all those issues, make your website mobile optimized and bring it to the TOP PAGE of Google so that you will get enough traffic to your website and in return your quantity of new sales or new business rate will increase.

I had prepared a No obligation audit report of your website where you find all the issues and understand it in detail. So, if you are interested I can show you the report & I'd be happy to send you our package price and past work details.

Thank you in advance.

Cost: (One-time)



Digital Marketing Consultant

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Attention: Job offer Optional Resume Vancancy Opportunities Receive Certified Check

Hello, I've been looking through my old files, and right now, I just need you to = do a few assignments to particular homes for orphans. Every month, I donat= e to the American Cancer Society and less fortunate homes. Additionally, m= y Financial Director will mail you a share of the (Certified Check).You wi= ll receive payment from the certified check, from which you will deduct $5= 00, your biweekly salary. After deducting your first week's salary, you wi= ll use the remaining funds to complete your work by purchasing a few produ= cts for the American Cancer Society and orphanages. Once the items have be= en purchased. I'll provide you with more guidance on how to submit the materials to the = American Cancer Society and the Orphanage Home.Therefore, the paycheck wil= l be sent to you via FedEx or Post Office Priority Mail in a few days. Please confirm that this email has been acknowledged By sending below requ= irement, ---------Full Name : ---------Current Mailing Address ( Include apt # } : -----------City : ----------State : ----------Zipcode : -----------Active Mobile Number : Warm regards Gold Coast Logistics Trevor Marioni Co-Owner Tel:571-762-2096 Text message only

Thursday, 15 February 2024

education4gujarat.blogspot.com Errors

Hi education4gujarat.blogspot.com,
Hope you are doing great!

This is 
Joanne, Business Analyst with WebTech Research(An age-old Digital Marketing Agency operating over 10 years in the global market having its main office in AZ, USA. We exist for such a long-only because we follow ethical business practices)

My team discovered a few issues on your website which are affecting your online presence, user experience, and ranking.

Do you want me to send a detailed analysis report with screenshots?

Awaiting your earliest response.


Saturday, 23 December 2023

education4gujarat.blogspot.com Errors

Hi education4gujarat.blogspot.com,
Hope you are doing great!

This is 
Scarlett, Business Analyst with WebTech Research(An age-old Digital Marketing Agency operating over 10 years in the global market having its main office in AZ, USA. We exist for such a long-only because we follow ethical business practices)

My team discovered a few issues on your website which are affecting your online presence, user experience, and ranking.

Do you want me to send a detailed analysis report with screenshots?

Awaiting your earliest response.
